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Print Services

MPSD Print Shop Logo

The mission of the Meridian Public Schools Printing Services is to provide quality printed materials and services that serve to support the students and staff of this district in the most accommodating, innovative, and creative manner possible. Printing Services' mission is to support the vision, goals, and objectives of the Meridian Public School District.


Print Shop operations are typically responsible for the production of all district publications, forms, and instructional materials.  It is designed to provide the staff of the entire school district with a central resource for printing needs.  Whether your project is completed "in house" or by a commercial vendor, our service will coordinate all activities required for production.  As an efficient and cost-effective support operation, we produce high-quality printing and other services at rates that commercial printing vendors cannot match.

Any staff member of Meridian Public School District may utilize Printing Services for projects directly related to his or her class, school, or office with the proper administrator's approval.

Some of the services provided by the Print Shop are:

  • Designs and typesets district-wide forms

  • Designs and publishes brochures, district handbooks, letterheads, business cards, district award certificates, and other materials as requested

  • Graphic Design services for flyers, posters, social media graphics, forms, invitations, brochures, programs, certificates, letterhead, business cards, postcards, tickets and signs

  • Handles duplication for the district

  • Can print documents in the following sizes 8.5”x11”, 8.5”x14”, 11”x17”, and posters up to 36”x24” and paper banners up to 5 feet long.

  • Finishing services include: cut, fold, pad, staple, spiral bound, booklet and frame

  • Makes deliveries daily to schools

  • Take professional headshots for employees

  • Produces MPSD Employee Badges

Print Shop Services


Print Shop Staff

Shannon Kimbriel

Print Shop Coordinator


Tim Hersey



LaTasha Farley 

