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Curriculum and Instructional Support

Passed during the 2014 legislative session, the Literacy-Based Promotion Act places an emphasis on grade-level reading skills for students, particularly as they progress from Kindergarten through grade three.  Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, a student scoring at the lowest achievement level in reading on the established state assessment for 3rd grade will not be promoted to 4th grade unless the student meets the good cause exemptions for promotion.

The Meridian Public School District has worked and will continue to work diligently to ensure all students are able to read at a third grade level by the end of third grade by:

  • Providing 12 pre-kindergarten classrooms to help ensure students have the early reading skills needed for entry into Kindergarten;

  • Increasing the amount of instructional time for reading instruction in grades K-3; 

  • Assessing all students in Kindergarten through grade 3 a minimum of three times annually to determine student progress in reading;

  • Setting school level, classroom level, and individual student level goals for reading;

  • Keeping parents informed in writing of student progress following each assessment;

  • Providing a Title 1 teacher at each elementary school to provide reading interventions for students;

  • Providing evidence-based classroom and intervention materials and instructional software for schools;

  • Providing interventions for students who need additional support in reading instruction based upon student data;

  • Providing high quality professional development for elementary school teachers related to effective reading instruction; and 

  • Meeting regularly with parents and community members to keep them informed regarding how they can be effectively involved in helping students become better readers in the Meriidan Public School District.

Meet The Team

Melanie Jackson | Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Alexis Kelly | Administrative Assistant
LaToya Atterberry | Technology Instructional Specialist 
Winnie Jones | Science Specialist 
Carla Murphy | K-5 District Intervention Specialist
Angel Hibbler | 6-12 District Intervention Specialist
Kim Bailey | Early Literacy Coordinator 
Rebecca Davis | K-5 Math Coordinator
Adrian Cross-Phillips | Parent/Family Engagement Specialist 

ELA Academic Coaches
Tia Thompson
Tiffany Hudnall

Math Academic Coaches
Janiqua Beasley
Amy Davis
Tonya Mason 
Travis Cornish
Amanda Hanegan 
Jamie Buxton | 9-12  Science Academic Coach