Internet Security
Reminder for everyone using YouTube on the MPSD Network.
YouTube is open for ALL Teachers and Staff. (Be careful with your login!)
You must log in to Chrome for Teacher/Staff level access on YouTube. If you do not login you can access Youtube but all videos are not available. We are assuming you are a guest or student on our network. We allow Teachers and Staff to choose Youtube videos Students are able to view. Therefore when you click the Approve (See Red Arrow) button it makes that one video available to every student in the district. Remember all Teachers and Staff have access. You do not approve for other Teachers or Staff because they already have access only for Students.
If students use a Teacher login they can access all videos. Including some inappropriate content. With a TEACHER Login, they can approve videos for other Students. So be careful with students access to Teacher computers or make sure you change your password if you suspect a student has your password.
Content is being approved that should not be released for students to view. Make sure everything you approve is Educationally appropriate.