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ELA Parent Resources

English & Language Arts Resources for Parents

Accelerated Reader (AR)


Accelerated Reader is a program that allows your child to select a book on their reading level and read it at their own pace. After reading the book, your child is able to take a short quiz that will determine if they comprehend what they read. 

K-3 Parents’ Read- At- Home Plan for Student Success



This guide includes activities to help your child:

  • Hear and distinguish sound

  • Understand the relationship between letters and the sounds they represent

  • Read with speed to support understanding

  • Have a knowledge of and memory for word meanings

  • Understand and draw meaning from text


Class Dojo


ClassDojo connects teachers with students and parents to build amazing classroom communities.

  • Teachers can encourage students for any skill or value — whether it's working hard, being kind, helping others or something else

  • Students can showcase and share their learning by adding photos and videos to their own portfolios

  • Get parents engaged by sharing photos and videos of wonderful classroom moments


Education World


Looking for ways to keep kids excited about reading?The Reading Machine provides links to 36 online games to help you teach and reinforce important reading skills, and to help your child practice and enhance their skills. The games make great "reward time" activities too. FOR FREE!

Khan Academy


Khan Academy is an online tutoring site that allows your child to learn almost anything….FOR FREE! 

This link provides videos and documents to help your child with their Khan Academy account, an online tool that educates students. You will also find information to protect your child’s security and privacy.



Epic! is a subscription-based reading and learning platform. It offers access to books and videos for children ages 12 and under. The service can be used on desktop and mobile devices.

Read Write Think 


This link provides fun ways to introduce your child to reading or to encourage your teen to write. Here you can find some age-appropriate book suggestions or rainy day activities.



Students in Grades 4-8 and Biology use USATestPrep to prepare for science state testing and science skills practice. This site can be accessed at any time at school or home.