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Science Parent Resources


Crash Course - Youtube


Crash Course is a collection of Youtube videos that provides overviews on a number of science topics. Check the playlists for History of Science, Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, and Anatomy and Physiology.

Science Fusion 


This link provides brief video summaries about Science Fusion, the textbook being used for science Grades 4-8.

Science Fair Central


Needing a starting point for your child’s science fair project? Start here!

Science Matters - Tips for Busy Parents


Here are a few tips for parents wanting to help their students in science with limited time at home.



Students in Grades 4-8 and Biology use USATestPrep to prepare for science state testing and science skills practice. This site can be accessed at any time at school or home.

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.