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Uniform Policy


MPSD School Uniform Policy

School Dress

In cooperation with parents, school officials, and students, the following rules and regulations are adopted in regard to school dress and personal appearance. All teachers, principals, and administrators are expected to enforce the policy.

Students are required to adhere to the school uniform policy and dress accordingly. Should a student violate the dress code due to financial hardship or family circumstances, schools will demonstrate assistance by providing the student with extra clothes. Parents may also be requested to bring clothes to school. Students who violate the dress code policy in a way that significantly disrupts the educational process (i.e. students wearing a t-shirt with a racially derogatory term) will receive a range of corrective strategies, which may include positive behavioral interventions and counseling, as well as in-school detention and afterschool detention for continued non­compliance with the dress code. There will be no exclusionary discipline for Level 1 dress code violations.

District Colors


Royal “Wildcat” Blue and/or White

  •   Polo style shirt: 2 or 3 buttons only
  •   Must be tucked in at all times for all students (including before and after school while on campus)


Khaki or Black

  •   Belts must be worn
  •   Shorts, skirts, and Capri pants are acceptable – minimum length is 2 inches above the knee
  •   Sagging and oversized clothing is not allowed

Head Cover

  •   No head cover of any kind, to include hats, hoodies, du-rags, or bandanas, is allowed to be worn in the school building unless worn for sincerely held religious beliefs


  •   Required at all times and must be worn as designed
  •   Should be appropriate for safe participation in all school activities

Additional Uniform Requirements

  •   Organizational shirts, etc. (i.e. basketball team, band shirts, etc.) will be permitted during approved occasions and not part of the daily dress choices (possible Spirit Day, if pre-approved by administration)
  •   Sunglasses shall not be worn inside a school facility unless there is a documented medical reason
  •   Any clothing that significantly disrupts the educational process is unacceptable

Unacceptable Dress/Prohibited

  • Stretch pants (including tights with or without belt loops),
  • Sagging clothing, unbuckled belts, or straps.
  • Sweats or warm-up suits
  • Brand logos larger than 2 inches 
  • Logos, Lettering, or graphics on hoodies, jackets or coats larger than 2”. *IF logo is on coats or jackets, it cannot be larger than 2 inches.

Additional clarification of “unacceptable dress” includes no clothing that exposes the mid to lower torso area when the wearer is stretching, bending, and/or stooping.

Nothing in this policy shall be constituted to preempt the authority of the Superintendent or principal to take action consistent with this Code to address infractions not specifically mentioned.
