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Update on MPSD Construction Projects

Construction Take Place at MHS

The MPSD Board of Trustees met for the first time in 2025 on Friday, January 24, 2025. During the meeting, Clay Sims, MPSD Director of Operations, gave the board and those in attendance an update on the many projects taking place in the district.

MPSD Superintendent Dr. Amy Carter applauded Sims and his team for their efforts noting that less than 1% of the district’s HVAC units needed work last week when temperatures dipped into the teens.

“Our Central Operations Department, under the leadership of Mr. Sims, does an amazing job keeping our campuses running smoothly for our students and teachers,” said Carter.

Sims commended his staff for their hard work in keeping the district’s 400 classrooms and support offices warm over the past week while Meridian received unseasonably cold weather.

“We have over 700 HVAC units in the district. Couple that with the fact that the average age of MPSD facilities is over 60 years old and my staff has done a tremendous job making sure our buildings stay cooled and heated when needed.”

Clay Sims, MPSD Director of Operations

Sims also spoke to the Board about some of the other duties of his department noting that his staff is charged with overseeing over 160 acres of space that make up MPSD.

District Construction

Facility Upgrades (Bond Projects)

The District is currently in the process of working through campus upgrades made possible by the $34 million No-Tax Increase Bond Issue that was passed by the citizens of Meridian in 2022. Supply chain issues and other factors led the process to move slower than intended, but the majority of the projects are slated to be completed by July 2025.

The majority of the Bond Upgrades are aimed at ADA accessibility improvements, campus-wide security upgrades to include centralized secure entrance areas, arts area improvements and extensive new painting on all campuses, and an on-campus MHS baseball/softball complex.

Elementary and Harris Planning 

The last phase of Bond Projects will go out for bid in the early Spring and include the upgrades to the Parkview, Poplar Springs, Crestwood, and Harris Complex locations. The Harris Complex will become the new centralized location for MPSD Administration once completed.

 Projects Underway 

○ MHS Administration: The work at Meridian High School would include the construction of a single secure point of entry at the front of the school and fencing throughout the camps, connection canopies, and some renovation work to the Fine Arts area. Projected completion May 2025

○ Magnolia - This project will add a new band hall, and chorus room at the end of the auditorium as well as a new entrance to the campus. The new entrance construction will include a secure entry vestibule as well as offices for security and administration. All existing interior spaces will be painted, the existing administrative area, library, and cafeteria dining space will be renovated. There will also be upgrades to overall campus security with access control and perimeter fencing. Projected completion July 2025

○ Northwest - There will be a new campus entrance that will include a secure entrance vestibule and offices for administrative and security. We are adding a new band hall and two new classrooms as well as expanding the cafeteria dining space. We are upgrading campus sidewalks to ensure ADA compliance and making repairs to canopies. All interior spaces are being repainted. We are creating a secure campus perimeter by adding access control and fencing. Projected completion June 2025

○ Carver - This phase of construction at G.W. Carver Elementary will see the addition of student restrooms, a new secure Front Entrance, the construction of a Bus Canopy and Loop, the completion of a roundabout for the Car Rider Line, and the completion of Permanent Parking for visitors and staff. Projected completion March 2025.

○ MHS Baseball and Softball Complex - Work on the combined baseball/softball complex at Meridian High School is projected to be complete by February 2025. 

○ Ray Stadium Scoreboard - The new scoreboard at Ray Stadium was installed and completed for the start of the 2024-2025 school year. The new “Jumbotron Style” scoreboard at Ray Stadium replaced the old scoreboard, which had been in use since the 1980s.

Facility Upgrades (ESSER Projects)

The district has also been able to complete many projects over the past four years that are aimed at improving air quality, and the health and safety of students as it relates to the impact of COVID-19.

ESSER II - Approximately $13,653,979

MHS HVAC Controls, Portion of West Hills Six Classroom Addition,  Portion of Northwest Two Classroom Addition

ESSER III - Approximately $30,664,898

District - Touchless Restroom Fixtures & Ventilation, Ross Collins HVAC Upgrades, Ross Collins Roof Replacement, West Hills Roof Replacement, Portion of West Hills Six Classroom Addition, Portion of Northwest Two Classroom Addition, Northwest Gym HVAC upgrade, Magnolia Gym HVAC upgrade, MHS Girls Locker Room Renovations, Crestwood Roof Replacement, Carver Roof Replacement, Carver Gym upgrades (Locker Rooms HVAC), Carver Main Building upgrades (Cooling tower & HVAC Controls), addition of new classroom space and an indoor area that can be used for PE and other functions at Crestwood Elementary is slated to be completed by March 2025.